The Top 30 Most Helpful People on #rubyonrails

Just about 2 weeks ago I have been bitching about the #rubyonrails channel (no need to look it up as this article will negate that anyways). Fortunately (for everyone I guess 🙂 some prominent rails guys came after me, gently kicked my ass and challenged me to check out #rubyonrails again (after leaving a bit pissed off about 2 years ago), claiming that the atmosphere has changed drastically.

So, I took their advice, joined the channel, and was indeed pleasantly surprised. During my 2+ weeks of stay, I can’t remember any incident (ok, except the constant trolling on TextMate vs Vim, Mac vs Linunx, Shoulda vs rSpec, jQuery ftw, how RJS sucks, how Java sucks (well, initiated by me ;-)) and found most of the people very friendly and helpful. Also made a few friends and had some great fun.

I also discovered some great #rubyonrails stats by @radarlistener and persuaded him to add a little feature to it: display then number of thanks per all messages. It’s not a huge feature, but we can find out some interesting stuff with it – for example, the signal to noise ratio off different guys: which of them are helping out the most on average (we could probably dig out the reverse info too – a.k.a. help vampires, but that’s outside of the scope of this post).

So, without further ado, here is a top 30 list (the number behind the nick denotes “lines per thanks”, i.e. how much lines the given person had to enter to receive a “thank you”):

  1. pet3r: 69
  2. stympy: 70
  3. octopod: 83
  4. mikeg1a: 90
  5. mf_irc: 97
  6. koppen: 105
  7. noodl: 120
  8. eljo: 120
  9. topfunky: 126
  10. leeo: 128
  11. fcheung: 129
  12. chippy: 137
  13. rainmkr: 138
  14. gerhardlazu: 139
  15. blj: 142
  16. madrobby: 142
  17. darix: 154
  18. toretore: 158
  19. minam: 162
  20. thread: 162
  21. donomo: 166
  22. halorgium: 168
  23. sonofslim: 169
  24. don-o: 170
  25. claudio: 176
  26. melvinram: 180
  27. bitsweat: 180
  28. ddfreyne: 181
  29. archetypo: 183
  30. jacobat: 185

Hey where’s lifo and rsl? Wtf?!!11!1! My script must be buggy… need to spend more time on #rubyonrails to learn this Ruby thingy properly.

Thanks to @radarlistener for his great work on the stats, as well as other great #rubyonrails bots.

4 thoughts on “The Top 30 Most Helpful People on #rubyonrails

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